Thursday July 28, 2022, 7:15 PM
Hello Comrades!
Northern California CCDS is having a membership meeting on July 28 at 7:15 pm. No snacks for this virtual meeting, but no driving or parking either! And we have an interesting program planned for you.
Hands Off Medicare! Our keynote speakers will be Dr. Corinne Frugoni and Marilyn Albert, both founding members of CCDS. Dr. Frugoni will speak about how Medicare is already being privatized right now and how further encroachments are being implemented. She is a retired family physician who provided healthcare for 30 years in Humboldt County. She is also co-chair of the California Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP). Marilyn Albert has been an activist for Medicare for All/single payer health care since the 1970s. In New York City, Marilyn was a hospital nurse and activist in Local 1199 for 35 years and then worked for 5 years organizing registered nurses for National Nurses United. Later she worked as an organizer for the National Union of Healthcare Workers in California. Presently active in Healthy California Now, the largest coalition for a California single payer system, she also is a leader in the Labor Campaign for Single Payer.
We will hold a short and spirited discussion of National, State and Local elections.
At this meeting we will also elect a new Coordinating Committee (up to 10 people) and a Treasurer. Any Northern California CCDS member can run for these positions. We also have Chair and Secretary positions, which can be elected at the meeting or appointed by the new Coordinating Committee. We will vote on a proposed bylaw change to allow online voting. Click Here to View Proposed Amendment
To make or endorse, a nomination, go to - you will need to provide your first and last name and, optionally, an email address. You will only be able to nominate current CCDS members. If you have problems, click on the email link provided on the page and send an email to Voting Solutions.
You will need to register for the meeting. To do so go to one of these links:
Short Version:
After you click the link and fill in your name and email address, you will receive a message telling how to join on the day of the meeting: Thursday, July 28. You can join by computer or mobile device. You don’t need a camera, though it’s nice to let others see you. You need a microphone if you want to talk, but there is also a Chat feature where you can type comments and questions during the meeting. It is easiest to register, join the meeting, and make a nomination by computer, but if you can’t do that, call Steve Willett (510-435-0559) for assistance.
A little behind in your dues? If you are one year in arrears with your dues, you may still make nominations (see above) and if you attend the meeting, you will be given instructions on how to vote. If you are further behind in your dues and can’t afford to pay, but do want to participate, please contact [email protected] or call Steve Willett (510-435-0559).
Yours for the revolution,
Ellen Schwartz, on behalf of Northern California CCDS Coordinating Committee
916-835-4330 or [email protected]